Do you want to invest pension assets profitably and in a manner that increases value? You’ll find the advice and products you’re looking for at the Swiss Life Investment Foundation. No matter what your needs are, you’ll find the right investment groups. And you’ll do so with partners who have the best qualifications.

The Swiss Life Investment Foundation is a foundation established by Swiss Life. The purpose of the investment foundation is the collective investment and management of pension assets for our third-party clients.

Tax-exempt Swiss employee benefits institutions may become affiliated with the investment foundation. Primary among these are autonomous and semi-autonomous pension funds, but also collective foundations that manage the savings process and risk insurance separately. The latter are especially suitable for smaller and medium-sized companies that want to outsource their employee benefits completely.

Board of Trustees
The board of trustees is appointed by the investors in a meeting and is largely composed of investor representatives.

Supervisory authority
Our Investment Foundation is subject to supervision by the Supervisory Commission for occupational pensions (OAK BV).

The auditor is PricewaterhouseCoopers AG.

Basis for the Investment Foundation's business (learn more).

The investment foundation works with the following partners:

  • Swiss Life Asset Management AG – for the management of the investment groups.
  • UBS Switzerland AG – as the custodian bank for the investment foundation.
  • Northern Trust Global Services SE, Leudelange, Luxembourg, Basel Branch – for accounting security
  • Swiss Life Asset Management AG – for accounting and the calculation of net asset values.

The investment philosophy – for a positive alpha

Swiss Life investments are integrated in the core-satellite approach. Performance is systematically monitored by an independent controlling unit.


Take advantage of the offer and benefit from our professional investment options. The Swiss Life Investment Foundation offers you in-depth knowledge, vast experience and a track record of success.

Our products are in line with a modern investment philosophy. The best proof of its confidence in the performance of this philosophy is the fact that Swiss Life uses the core-satellite approach for its own employee benefits institutions.

Brochure Investment philosophy

Objective selection of asset managers
The most suitable investment managers are selected on the basis of objective criteria and taking into consideration the particular requirements of the investment groups. One or more asset managers may be used, depending on the structure of the investment group.

Independent and consistent monitoring
The independent investment controller monitors the investment activities of the selected asset managers regularly and systematically on the basis of qualitative and quantitative criteria.

Structuring within the investment groups
The portfolios within the investment groups have a contemporary structure. The equity investment group thus follows a core-satellite approach.

Risk-optimised products

The product range consists of fund-like investment groups provided to specific clients segments by the Swiss Life Investment Foundation. All investors are tax-exempt Swiss employee benefits institutions.

These investment groups can be acquired by clients as part of a 3a pension solution or a Swiss Life Wings Invest vested benefit solution.

Explanatory video

News, legal documents, reporting and prices

  • News

    News on the Swiss Life Investment Foundation, in particular amendments to legal documents and information on openings in individual investment groups

  • Legal documents

    Foundation documents, the contractual basis for the investor, and subscription and redemption forms

  • Reporting

    Factsheets of the individual investment groups, quarterly and annual reports, market assessments etc.

  • Prices

    Current and historical daily prices and month-end prices for the Swiss Life Investment Foundation investment groups

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Swiss Life Hauptgebäude

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