The pandemic has changed consumer behaviour. The sustainability of these changes varies from sector to sector. Swiss Life Asset Managers warns investors against falling into the core trap.
According to a McKinsey survey, e-food retail and digital healthcare are expected to continue to perform positively. On the other hand, holiday flights and live entertainment are likely to return to pre-pandemic levels. Further pandemic-induced changes: more consumers have been buying greener, more sustainably and more ethically since the start of the crisis, according to an Accenture survey.
Despite changes in ways of working (home office), Swiss Life Asset Managers expects office properties in prime locations to remain profitable. It also expects growing demand in the logistics, residential and healthcare sectors. On the other hand, the further development of the retail sector is rather unclear.
Investors look for secure sectors and core assets in uncertain times. Nonetheless, Swiss Life Asset Managers recommends careful analysis of rapidly rising capital growth. It is still unclear how sustainable the changes actually are.