The consensus view is that monetary policy has peaked, as inflation rates across Europe retreat closer towards central bank targets. This will provide well-needed stability across financial markets and thus clarity on asset pricing – an opportunity investors should be ready to take.
Only those investors who actively manage their portfolios and the assets they contain will continue to generate sustained value creation in the future. The current situation on the property markets is by no means an impossible task for investors, but it must be tackled with a great deal of expertise, resources and motivation.
Sovrappeso indica che ad oggi consigliamo di investire in una quota relativamente più elevata di una determinata categoria; la valutazione tiene conto di dati socio-economici e immobiliari attuali e futuri.
La valutazione ha una visione assolutistica e non è in relazione ad altre categorie / altri Paesi.
Investimenti sul mercato - Europa
(Scorrere verso il basso per ulteriori dettagli sui singoli paesi)