The “Swiss Life Funds (CH) Money Market Swiss Francs” will primarily invest in money market instruments denominated in Swiss Francs. The fund is open to both qualified and retail investors.
Swiss Life Asset Managers is extending its money market fund range by launching a Swiss Franc focused money market fund. Backed by the success of its Euro money market funds, Swiss Life Asset Managers believes that the “Swiss Life Funds (CH) Money Market Swiss Francs” will provide significant value to investors as a stable and convenient cash equivalent instrument.
The new money market fund will primarily invest in money market instruments denominated in Swiss
Francs. The fund may also invest in non-Swiss Franc money market instruments, however, any foreign currency risks will be currency hedged.
The fund is well-suited for qualified and retail investors in Switzerland with a short-term investment horizon
and a low tolerance for volatility or for those who are looking to diversify their portfolio with a more conservative investment.
Swiss Life Asset Managers is convinced that the current higher interest rate environment presents attractive investment opportunities at the short end of the interest rate curve.
Investors can benefit from the following advantages:
CHF bond market access: As one of the largest investors in the CHF bond market, Swiss Life Asset Managers enjoys a first-class market access and an excellent standing in its broker-dealer network and in syndicates
(primary market).
Independence: Swiss Life Asset Managers is not bank-affiliated. Its independence from banks and brokers prevents conflicts of interest and ensures that return optimisation has top priority.
Extensive money market expertise: For over 25 years, Swiss Life Asset Managers has been offering its clients cash management solutions and therefore has a long-standing expertise in the segment. Its current money market portfolio amounts to almost EUR 8 billion in assets under management.
The security selection and management of the fund is characterised by a robust investment process, rigorous risk monitoring and independent credit analysis.
With the newly launched fund, Swiss Life Asset Managers now has a broad offering across the whole CHF bond market spectrum.
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