The fund management company is planning to convert Swiss Life REF (CH) ESG European Properties to a net asset value (NAV)-based fund. It plans to cease off-exchange trading by the end of September 2023 at the latest.

The Swiss Life REF (CH) ESG European Properties real estate fund had total fund assets of around EUR 767 million as at April 2023. The portfolio consists of 20 core properties in nine countries and is well diversified regarding types of use. 

Discontinuation of off-exchange trading

Since 1 August 2022, the role of market maker has been performed by Lienhardt & Partner Privatbank Zürich AG, which sets the bid/ask prices. However, OTC trading in units of “Swiss Life REF (CH) ESG European Properties” did not meet the expectations of the fund management company.

Subject to the approval of FINMA, the fund management company will therefore cease OTC trading by the end of September 2023 at the latest. 

Responsible investing

Since 2018, Swiss Life Asset Managers has been a signatory to the UN PRI (UN Principles for Responsible Investment). Environmental, social and governance (ESG) factors are systematically integrated into the investment and risk management processes at Swiss Life Asset Managers. In the real estate investment business, appropriate criteria are taken into account both in the purchasing process as well as in construction projects and property management.

Fund information

NameSwiss Life REF (CH) ESG European Properties
Securities no. | ISIN
Unit: 38 541 554 / CH038 541 554 9
Legal form of the real estate fund
Contractual investment fund under Swiss law of the type “real estate fund” for qualified investors.
Portfolio managerSwiss Life Asset Management AG Ltd., Zurich
Fund management company
Swiss Life Asset Management AG Ltd., Zurich
Custodian bank
Credit Suisse (Switzerland) AG


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