The Swiss Life Asset Managers infrastructure fund SL FL GIO Growth is investing in Swiss4net. The company develops, builds, finances and operates fibre optic networks in Switzerland.
The recently launched infrastructure fund Swiss Life Funds (Lux) Global Infrastructure Opportunities Growth (SL FL GIO Growth) acquires a minority interest in Swiss4Net Holding AG (“Swiss4net”). The company finances, builds and operates fibre optic networks in Switzerland and offers them to internet providers. The company currently has two regional networks in Baden (AG) and Chiasso (TI) with approximately
25 000 connected households. Further expansion is already being planned.
In April 2018, Swiss4net was wholly acquired by Arcus European Infrastructure Fund 2 SCSp (“AEIF2”). Following the transaction, AEIF2 remains the majority controlling shareholder.
Christoph Manser, Head of Infrastructure Investments at Swiss Life Asset Managers, comments: “We are pleased to have signed the first investment of our infrastructure fund SL FL GIO Growth in a company with forward-looking technology. As an investor in fibre optic networks, we are benefiting from the steadily growing requirements for reliable data network infrastructure with high bandwidth”.
SL FL GIO Growth was launched at the end of July with EUR 325 million. Further investments are planned for the coming months.
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Comprehensive information on the fund in question, domiciled in Luxembourg, is available in the relevant financial report and the documents, which form the legal basis for any investment and are available free of charge to Swiss investors in electronic or printed format from the fund’s representative in Switzerland, Swiss Life Asset Management Ltd, General-Guisan-Quai 40, 8002 Zurich. The payment office is UBS Switzerland AG, Bahnhofstrasse 45, 8001 Zurich. The place of jurisdiction for all units distributed in Switzerland is the registered domicile of the representative.
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