In 2017, the Swiss Life Investment Foundation was once again able to significantly increase its assets under management, as gross assets rose by 20% to close the year at CHF 7.5 billion (previous year: CHF 6.3 billion). The Swiss Life Investment Foundation is thus among the fastest growing investment foundations in Switzerland. 

In the Fundo/Lipper KGAST performance comparison, the Swiss Life Investment Foundation’s annual balance sheet was a success in 2017, with gross assets increasing by 20% to CHF 7.5 billion (previous year: CHF 6.3 billion). The Swiss Life Investment Foundation was thus able to successfully continue on the growth path embarked on in recent years and is among the six biggest investment foundations in Switzerland. All in all, at the end of 2017 the Swiss Life Investment Foundation served more than 420 pension funds and collective foundations as its clients.

The Swiss Life Investment Foundation’s product range currently comprises a total of 24 investment groups. Stephan Thaler, Managing Director of Swiss Life Investment Foundation, says: "This past year we were once again able to successfully launch a package of three new investment vehicles. Two new investment groups for corporate bonds from emerging markets in hard currencies constituted a significant addition to our bond offerings. And with the launch of a thematic investment group in the retirement and healthcare property segment in Switzerland, we are using our many years of experience in real estate tailored to special needs, driven by demographic evolution." 

Convincing performance of investment groups 

Under the proven "Swiss Life Best Select Invest Plus" approach, the Swiss Life Investment Foundation investment groups are managed for the most part by Swiss Life Asset Managers – very successfully: in over 60% of the KGAST performance comparison’s comparative categories, the investment groups are to be found in the three measurement periods (one, three and five years) in the first or second quartile.

Michael Klose, CEO Third-Party Asset Management at Swiss Life Asset Managers, has this to say about the results: "I am particularly pleased that we were able to post positive returns in one of our core areas, fixed-interest investments, in spite of the enduring rock-bottom interest rates, in 2017 as well, and that we again enjoyed an excellent showing by market comparison. Thus in the ‘Swiss Franc Bonds: Domestic’ and ‘Swiss Franc Bonds: Foreign’ categories, our investment groups placed in the first or second rank across all annual comparisons from one to ten years."

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