In line with its active certification policy, the management company announces the SRI labelling of seven funds in its Multi Asset range. These labels are in addition to the eight awarded last June.
These funds are:
- Swiss Life Funds (F) Multi Asset Moderate;
- Swiss Life Funds (F) Multi Asset Balanced;
- Swiss Life Funds (F) Multi Asset Growth;
- Swiss Life Funds (F) Multi Asset Tempo;
- Swiss Life Funds (LUX) Multi Asset Moderate;
- Swiss Life Funds (LUX) Multi Asset Balanced;
- Swiss Life Funds (LUX) Multi Asset Growth.
“We are proud to expand the range of SRI funds embedded in the savings products distributed by the Swiss Life Group’s networks and management professionals, including our flagship funds Multi-Asset Moderate and Multi Asset Balanced. Obtain-ing the label underlines the seriousness of our extrafinancial approach. Swiss Life Asset Managers France now offers its clients a range of 30 SRI labelled funds representing our know-how,” says Denis Lehman, Head of Asset Management Securities.
The funds of the Multi Asset range are at least 90% invested in UCIs bearing the public SRI label or a rec-ognised European label. As for the underlying external funds, they present their own methodologies for taking ESG criteria into account when defining the eligible investment universe.
Responsible investment at Swiss Life Asset Managers
Swiss Life Asset Managers France currently has a total of 30 SRI-labelled funds with assets of EUR 19.5 bn. as at 30 June 20221 of which EUR 14.5 bn. in financial assets and EUR 5 bn. in real estate. Responsible invest-ments are part of the DNA of Swiss Life Asset Manag-ers, which has developed a comprehensive ESG ap-proach in this area.
By the end of the year, all Swiss Life Asset Managers’ SRI-labelled funds invested directly in securities (equi-ties, interest rates, money market) will be aligned to significantly improve their ESG rating. From now on, the fund’s ESG rating will have to be better than that of its reference universe (from which the 20% worst-rated were excluded in advance).
In addition, all funds will have to outperform their respective reference universe on the following two indicators:
- the carbon footprint calculated on the three scopes (i.e. the greenhouse gas effect per mil-lion euros invested in the fund),
- the consideration of ESG criteria in the varia-ble remuneration of senior executives.
hese two indicators were chosen for their resonance with Swiss Life Asset Managers’ ESG approach, which aims to reduce the carbon footprint of investments and align interests among stakeholders.

TThey are also part of the European SFDR (2) regulation (the carbon foot-print on the three scopes is one of the “Principal Ad-verse Impacts”, which investors will be required to report from 2023).
Swiss Life Asset Managers has a wide range of SRI-labelled products and a range of Environmental Impact Equity Funds (classified as Article 9 SFDR) dedicated to climate change, biodiversity and urbanisation. Detailed information can be found in the last Responsible Investment Report.
Learn more about the SRI Label
The SRI Label is a public label created under the aegis of the Ministry of Finance. It is facilitated jointly by the AFG (French Asset Management Association), le FIR (Sustainable Investment Forum) and the Directorate General of the Treasury. Awarded for a period of three years, it includes follow-up audits once a year.
The “SRI label” was awarded after an audit covering six pillars :
- the general objectives of the funds,
- the methodology for analysing and rating ESG criteria (environmental, social, governance),
- their onboarding in the investment strategy of the funds,
- ESG engagement and voting policy at general meetings,
- transparent management,
- and the measurement of the ESG performance of the funds.